Baby Clinic
Babies are now seen in normal surgeries although there is a special clinic for 8 week check and 1st immunisations.
Your Health Visitor will contact you regarding your child’s 3½-year check and you will receive a letter about pre-school booster injections.
Cervical Smear Tests
Generally carried out by a Practice Nurse. Please inform the receptionist when you are making your appointment that you will be having a smear test. We follow the local policy which advises a smear every 3 years, from the age of 25, unless the cytologist recommends repeating the smear more often or is medically indicated.
Chronic Disease Management
- Heart disease
- Diabetes (click here for information about the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme)
- Respiratory disease (Asthma Emphysema, Bronchitis, COPD)
- Epilepsy
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Stroke
We aim to review all patients who fall into any of the above categories on an annual basis. You should receive a review letter with your prescription, requesting you to make an appointment with either a Nurse or a Doctor. We strongly advise you attend for your review as this may prevent complications.
Family Planning
Contraception is available from the doctors in normal surgery times. We also offer nurse based appointments for repeat prescription of the pill for women who are not having any problems.
Nexplanon (contraceptive implant) is done by the town wide "CASH" service upstairs in our One Life building.
NHS Health Checks
We are participating in the NHS health check Service. Depending on your risk factors you may be asked to come in for a short medical exam.
Learning Disabilities
People with learning disabilities have poorer health than the general population, yet are less likely to access healthcare. Mental illness, chronic health problems, epilepsy, and physical and sensory problems are more common and people with learning disabilities are less likely to receive regular health checks and access routine screening. Bankhouse Surgery offers annual health checks with people with learning disabilities. Please contact the practice for further information.
Postnatal Checks
Doctors carry out postnatal checks in normal surgery hours.
Hearing Impairment Aids
Vibrating Pager Devices are available at reception for the benefit of our patients who have hearing or sight impairments. Please enquire at the reception desk.